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  • Terra Mizwa

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    Terra Mizwa Terra Mizwa is a self taught artist of drawing, painting and sculpture.  She exhibits her passion for life in her art of people, animals and landscapes.  Colorful, sometimes historical and often humorous, Terra works, teaches and sells in her studio. Ask about her special classes.   *Terra's…

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  • Galería Noyola Fernández

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    Galería Noyola Fernández ABOUT US Founded in 1971, La Buhardilla is considered one of the most important places of art and antiques in Mexico. Since 2004, the main gallery has moved to San Miguel de Allende, keeping a gallery associated in its original city, Monterrey, NL. With 44 years of…

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  • Moyshen The Gallery

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    Moyshen The Gallery ABOUT US National and International Grand Masters such as Rafael Coronel, José Luis Cuevas, Pedro Friedeberg, Fernando Andriacci, Leonardo Nierman, Fanny Rabel, Rudy Cottón, etc., as well as younger artists but already with a strong trajectory in the World of Visual Art such as Moyshen, Pierre Valls,…

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  • Manuk

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    Manuk ABOUT US Manuk Gallery Manuk : Bird A new concept created by Lourdes Rivera , for the display of art work, and a place to learn about different painting techniques. Lourdes Rivera is an artist who has developed a painting technique using a variety of tools and materials. She…

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  • Marilo Carral

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    Marilo Carral ABOUT US Marilo Carral's art can be best described as Neo-Impressionism; her Fauvist use of color palette used throughout Mexico, with her quick deft brush strokes, brings a body of work of pure joy. Exact naturalistic representation is not the goal of Carral's ambitious paintings. What she usually…

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  • Calderoni Gallery

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    Calderoni Gallery ABOUT US The latest series of original artwork by Calderoni is always on exhibit and usually in a large format . The gallery has now added fabulous handcrafted original jewelry and beautifully conserved anitique clay replicas of Mayan Art for sale. Painting as part of the Series, Calderoni…

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  • Veinteonce design & gifts

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    Veinteonce ABOUT US We expose and present design pieces made in Mexico by young Mexican hands and artists (some already recognized worldwide) Previously "La deriva" bookstore. FOLLOW US GALERY Local 6A mon - sat 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Frida Castañon (415) 154 5076

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  • La Buhardilla

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    La Buhardilla ABOIUT US Founded in 1971, La Buhardilla is considered one of the most important places of art and antiques in Mexico. Since 2004, the main gallery has moved to San Miguel de Allende, keeping a gallery associated in its original city, Monterrey, NL. With 44 years of experience,…

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  • Juan Ezcurdia

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    Juan Ezcurdia ABOUT US Juan Ezcurdia.Born in México city in 1962.Self-taught.FIrst national illustration prize 1997 awarded by the national minestery of art and culture. Has worked for several publishing houses: Barco de Vapor, Santillana, Fernández Editores, Cidcli, Trillas, Alteridades (UAM), sep, among others. His work forms part of private collection…

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  • James Harvey

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    James Harvey ABOUT US Artist StatementI am an American visual artist living and working in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I received a BA in painting at the Rhode Island School of Design in 1987. My work can be seen in numerous collections around the world. Working in multiple layers…

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